Alicia Crowe for Kent Board of Education

Alicia Crowe is seeking election to the Kent Board of Education.

1. Why are you running for office, and what previous experience makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I was appointed to fill a vacated seat in July 2023 and I am running to retain this seat. I am deeply committed to public education and value the role it plays in an educated citizenry in a democracy. I want to collaborate with the rest of the board and the superintendent to ensure that all students in Kent City Schools have a safe, equitable place to learn where they thrive as individuals and develop into engaged and successful citizens. I bring 20+ years of experience in education, a deep commitment to public education broadly and Kent City Schools specifically, knowledge of Ohio legislation, legislative processes, and advocacy, and a rich connection to Kent State University. I also bring eight years of experience creating and changing policies for a large educational organization.

2. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in this position? What are three policy initiatives you plan to focus on?

I hope to increase awareness in the community of the excellence that occurs within the district and encourage richer community engagement. I will support policies that empower educational professionals in the district to continue to improve how they serve students and their families while they provide equitable and quality education for all students. I will support policies and practices that increase the visibility of the excellent educational activities within the school district to the broader community.

3. How can the board be available to the community? If elected, how will you best communicate with your constituent groups?

Before naming specific strategies as to how the board can be more available to the community, I would like to learn about ways that board members in other districts have engaged with the community they represent and built effective community communication paths. Once I learn this, I would explore how to implement some strategies to increase engagement with the larger community.

4. What organizations or groups are you currently affiliated with or a member of?

Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Executive Board Member 2020-2023 Ohio Association of College for Teacher Education, President Elect 2022-2024 Child Development Center, Advisory Board, 2018 – present

5. Have you ever been, or are you currently, a member of a union/organized labor? If so, which?

I was a member of the American Association of University Professors as a faculty member, 2001 – 2015.

6. What do you see as the primary work of the board of education? What is a Board of Education member’s role and responsibility?

A board of education should be stewards of high-quality education for all students. A board member’s role should involve:

  • Thoughtful deliberation and collaboration with members of the board and the superintendent to guide the vision of the district as well as new and revised policies that support all learners in the system to thrive;

  • Engaging the broader community with the district in healthy and productive ways;

  • Advocating for their district and public schools broadly; and

  • Promoting the successes of the school district to the broader community.

7. The state of Ohio has continually cut public education funds over the last decade. How should school boards balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

School boards should always be mindful stewards of the district’s finances. This requires attention be paid to every expense. Decisions should be thoughtful, deliberate, and guided by the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the district with a focus on providing the best quality education for our students with the funds we have. I have not been in this role long, but up to this point, financial decisions appear to have been thoughtfully made.

8. Nearly half of all new teachers will leave the profession within 5 years. Major complaints include low salary, lack of professional development opportunities, and long work hours. If elected, how will you support and advocate for teachers in your capacity as a member of the Board of Education?

Supporting and advocating for teachers is an important role for a board member to take on. Every way that one supports and advocates for teachers matters. I would like to support and encourage broader sharing of successes by telling the stories of teachers throughout the community.

I would also like to listen to teachers and learn more about their experiences so I can make better decisions as a board member.

9. What are your feelings on standardized testing? Do you feel standardized testing is an accurate metric for student/educator achievement?

Understanding student learning and achievement requires a robust and differentiated set of measures over time to develop a sense of the nuances of growth and learning. A standardized test can be one of many tools that professionals employ to help them develop this understanding but, should not be the only assessment for judging the achievement of a student or a teacher.

10. What are your feelings on school vouchers and charter schools? Please explain.

I do not support programs that use public funding for private schools (voucher programs). Public, charter schools may serve purposes in some instances that could benefit the community so I am not fully opposed to them. I do not currently and have not had a relationship with a charter school.

11. Will you support nondiscrimination policies that protect individuals regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression? If so, how?

Yes, I would support nondiscrimination policies. Every student deserves the best educational environment we can provide and should not be deprived of such an environment because of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

12. Persistent gaps exist between white students and students of color when it comes to standardized test scores, graduation rates, and more due to the impacts of structural oppression in Ohio and our public schools. How will you approach solving this issue?

This, like many other issues that face schools and society, is complex. Closing the gap will require continual work on the part of all members of the community. An important place to start is understanding the data and experiences of students within the district and supporting educational leaders to find ways to make change (i.e., new supports, removing barriers, changing policies and practices).

13. If elected, how will you support undocumented students and other immigrant families? Would you support a policy that bans ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) from school property? Please explain.

I would support practices and policies that strengthen parent and family communication and education for all types of immigrant families. I would need more concrete language about a policy that bans ICE. In general, I would support policies or practices that limit how ICE accesses students and families while on school property.

14. Do you support the presence of police officers (also called School Resource Officers) in public schools? If yes, do you feel that any reforms are necessary? Please explain.

I support school resource officers being included in the day-to-day life of a school community if we choose officers who enjoy and are effective working with young people, if they are well-prepared and highly-trained for the school environment, and if we have a clear sense of the purpose and responsibilities for role.

15. Should teachers be allowed to carry firearms in schools? If yes, under what circumstances?

I do not think that it should be standard practice to allow teachers to carry firearms in schools.

16. Do you support comprehensive (age appropriate), medically accurate sex education in schools? Please explain.

Age appropriate, medically accurate education about sex should be part of a robust health education program in schools to best prepare young people to be healthy and make well-informed decisions as an adult.