Jennifer Klich for Aurora Board of Education

Jennifer Klich is seeking election to the Aurora Board of Education.

1. Why are you running for office, and what previous experience makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I decided to run for a seat on the Aurora Board of Education primarily because I am passionate about two things: my children and their education. A seat on the Aurora Board of Education is the natural intersection of those two interests. My previous experience as a Registered Nurse in both the Step Down Unit and the Emergency Department of Robinson Memorial Hospital shaped me tremendously by reinforcing my desire to advocate for every voice, increasing my capacity to be an empathetic listener, and expanding my critical thinking skills ,and strengthening my ability to collaborate with others to achieve a common goal, all of which will serve me well as a board member. My unique set of skills, expertise and knowledge would be an asset and a great addition to the school board, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve my community.

2. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in this position? What are three policy initiatives you plan to focus on?

If elected, three things I would like to focus on are: increasing transparency, facilitating communication between board members and the community, and advocating for the mental health of our students and educators.

3. How can the board be available to the community? If elected, how will you best communicate with your constituent groups?

I believe there are several ways the board could increase its availability to the community. Live-streaming board meetings would be a great start, and many in the community inquire about this already. A step further would be hosting community talks that encourage dialogue between board members and community members. I also feel it would benefit our district to manage a single Facebook page that celebrates the achievements and successes of our students and educators as a community. This would allow community members who perhaps do not have school age kids to rally around the schools and celebrate our victories together, regardless of parental status. Many surrounding districts already manage an official Facebook page, and it has been beneficial to their communities in many ways. Lastly, if I am elected, I personally will have an email through the Aurora City Schools which I will always be available to my community.

4. What organizations or groups are you currently affiliated with or a member of?

I am a current member of the Aurora Elementary Parent Teacher Organization.

5. Have you ever been, or are you currently, a member of a union/organized labor? If so, which?

No, I have not been and am not currently a member of a union/organized labor.

6. What do you see as the primary work of the board of education? What is a Board of Education member’s role and responsibility?

The primary work of the Board of Education is to set educational policy, approve the annual budget, as well as hire and evaluate both the Superintendent and the Treasurer. Per Aurora City’s own policy manual, their “primary task is to develop educational policies, reflective of the community’s aspirations for their youth.” In order to achieve this, it is important to engage with the community so those aspirations can be realized.

7. The state of Ohio has continually cut public education funds over the last decade. How should school boards balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

This is a difficult question to answer as it requires a fiscally responsible board, balancing both our budget and what our students require to succeed and be prepared to enter the world as engaging and thoughtful citizens. I believe we are and have been great at finding creative ways to overcome obstacles in the past, and we can continue this in the future, only asking for increases when absolutely necessary.

8. Nearly half of all new teachers will leave the profession within 5 years. Major complaints include low salary, lack of professional development opportunities, and long work hours. If elected, how will you support and advocate for teachers in your capacity as a member of the Board of Education?

I feel like it’s easy to draw many comparisons between the professions of educators and nurses. Much like nursing, teaching is a profession that causes much strain and wear on a person emotionally, but there are ways we can combat this and improve overall career satisfaction. Maintaining small class sizes, offering competitive pay as well as career development opportunities and mental health support will all have a significant impact on retention rates and are measures for which I will strongly advocate.

9. What are your feelings on standardized testing? Do you feel standardized testing is an accurate metric for student/educator achievement?

I have never personally been a proponent of standardized testing. Research has proven that standardized test scores are a poor indicator of student learning and often highlight the gaps between students of lower socioeconomic status and those living in more affluent communities.

10. What are your feelings on school vouchers and charter schools? Please explain.

I think it’s great for parents to have a choice. However, it is disappointing to see the expansion of nearuniversal school vouchers in the latest budget passed by the State of Ohio without also taking necessary steps to safeguard our children’s education. Funding public schools first must remain a priority. Historically, there has been a lack of accountability with charter schools, abusing and mismanaging funds with little oversight. Academic performance of charter schools is also not uniformly measured and reported on a state wide basis. Until those issues are addressed, it will be difficult to support charter schools.

11. Will you support nondiscrimination policies that protect individuals regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression? If so, how?

I will absolutely support nondiscriminatory policies that protect individuals regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. I will encourage the Board to revise any policies or procedures that fail to promote equality and be sure policy moving forward is also free of discrimination. I would also encourage our district to celebrate Unity Day in October to raise support and facilitate discussions of inclusion, diversity, equity and awareness.

12. Persistent gaps exist between white students and students of color when it comes to standardized test scores, graduation rates, and more due to the impacts of structural oppression in Ohio and our public schools. How will you approach solving this issue?

This will be a difficult issue to tackle as it requires multi level support from our state officials as well as collaboration from within school districts. For Aurora City Schools in particular, as a board member, I would welcome conversations with parents of students of color and together, determine how our district can ensure our students of color thrive. Encouraging policies that are nondiscriminatory will be vital in our effort to close these gaps.

13. If elected, how will you support undocumented students and other immigrant families? Would you support a policy that bans ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) from school property? Please explain. I am unaware whether or not a school board could support such a policy.

My understanding is that schools are currently considered a shelter under current law but the school board may want to revisit this issue should the Schools Not Shelters Act become law.

14. Do you support the presence of police officers (also called School Resource Officers) in public schools? If yes, do you feel that any reforms are necessary? Please explain.

Aurora City School District currently employs two School Resource Officers to oversee the safety of our five schools. Unfortunately, we live in a society where this has become necessary. I am unaware of a need for reforms pertaining to our particular district but am willing to sit down and listen.

15. Should teachers be allowed to carry firearms in schools? If yes, under what circumstances?

I do not believe that arming teachers is in the best interest of our students or educators, and I commend the current School Board for recognizing this and deciding against arming our educators after the passing of Ohio House Bill 99.

16. Do you support comprehensive (age appropriate), medically accurate sex education in schools? Please explain.

I believe students should receive an age-appropriate comprehensive and medically accurate sex education as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Doing so helps reduce rates of sexual activity, risk behaviors, sexually transmitted infections as well as teen pregnancy. It has also been shown to support positive communication skills and the development of healthy relationships.