Molly Schneider for Aurora Board of Education

Molly Schneider is seeking election to the Aurora Board of Education.

1. Why are you running for office, and what previous experience makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

This may sound like a cliché response, but I care deeply about our schools, students, and community. A solid public school education provides the best foundation for every child to succeed in life. Every child deserves to be educated in schools that promote academic excellence, the mental well-being, and the physical safety of every child. I am running for school board because I believe a community's school board plays a crucial role in this venture.

I have spent my professional career in education where I have been a high school social studies teacher for over 15 years and have served on numerous committees and strategic planning initiatives at my school. I am a nationally recognized educator who is also currently pursuing a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. I know what it is like to be in the classroom and also a part of the strategic planning that is crucial to the success of a school and a district.

Beyond my professional experience, I am uniquely qualified because I am a proud Aurora alumna and have deep community roots in Aurora. My grandparents began their educational careers teaching in the district in the 1950s and ever since, four generations of my family (now including my own children) have either spent their professional careers or have received an outstanding education in Aurora Schools. My grandparents and parents have been important role models in my life on the importance of civic service to the community and I believe it is now my turn to build on this legacy by looking forward, embracing innovation, and fostering an environment of growth for every student in Aurora.

2. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in this position? What are three policy initiatives you plan to focus on?

If elected, my primary goal will be to help build community trust in the School Board. I hope this can be done by focusing on the following three policy initiatives.

  1. I want to help instill more transparency in the communication and actions of the board while respecting confidentiality when it is appropriate and required.

  2. Update policies that the Board is in a position to update and have them reflect the educational needs of students in our current times. I want to make sure Board policies are fairly enforced and serve the needs of the students and district.

  3. Finally, I want to explore potential opportunities to increase communication between the Board and community stakeholders that can supplement the monthly public meetings.

3. How can the board be available to the community? If elected, how will you best communicate with your constituent groups?

The best way for a school board to be available to the community is through multiple channels of engagement. This includes regular meetings, public forums, or community outreach events where members of the board are present to list to concerns and suggestions from the community.

Additionally, maintaining an active and informative online presence through a website or social media platforms can be effective in reaching a broader audience. Effective communication with various constituent groups should include regular newsletters, emails, or notifications updating the community about decisions, policies, and upcoming meetings. Creating advisory committees that include representatives from different segments of the community can also foster direct communication between the board and various constituents. Open lines of communication, active listening, and a willingness to consider community input are key principles for a successful dialogue between a school board and its constituents.

4. What organizations or groups are you currently affiliated with or a member of?

  • National Council for the Social Studies

  • National Council for History Education

  • James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

  • The National Constitution Center

  • The Bill of Rights Institute

5. Have you ever been, or are you currently, a member of a union/organized labor? If so, which?

Local 880 when I was a cashier at Heinens several years ago.

6. What do you see as the primary work of the board of education? What is a Board of Education member’s role and responsibility?

The primary role of the board of education is to ensure that every child in the community has access to a quality education. It is important the schools provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background. Board members are responsible for setting policies and guidelines that govern the school district. These policies should be rooted in evidence-based practices and should promote diversity, inclusion, and the well-being of students.

Board members play a crucial role in overseeing the allocations of resources, including the budget. It is important to stress the of allocating funds to support teachers, reduce class sizes, and invest in technology and infrastructure to enhance the learning environment. The primary work should also include fostering strong partnerships between the school district, parents, teachers, and the broader community. Board members should engage with these stakeholders to understand their needs and concerns and incorporate their input into decision-making processes.

Finally, board members must work to hold schools accountable for student outcomes while also addressing systemic inequities in education. This can be done by advocating for policies that reduce achievement gaps and promote social justice in education.

7. The state of Ohio has continually cut public education funds over the last decade. How should school boards balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

I believe it is extremely important to adequately fund public education to ensure high-quality education for all students. I am concerned about the continuous cuts to public education funds in Ohio and the detrimental impact this has on schools, teachers, and students. I believe there are several solutions to balance the need for a quality education with the taxpayer burden. These could include advocating for fair tax policies for all stakeholders, seeking federal support to supplement state funds, exploring public-private partnerships, and encouraging innovative funding models.

It is important to protect education budgets and find sustainable, equitable funding solutions to provide the best educational opportunities for students while minimizing the burden on local taxpayers.

8. Nearly half of all new teachers will leave the profession within 5 years. Major complaints include low salary, lack of professional development opportunities, and long work hours. If elected, how will you support and advocate for teachers in your capacity as a member of the Board of Education?

As someone who has spent over 15 years in the classroom, I have witnessed first-hand all of these demoralizing issues that get in the way of treating teachers with the professionalism that they deserve. There are several strategies that can retain young, energetic, and good teachers in the classroom.

  1. Competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits for teachers to attract and retain talent in the profession.

  2. Invest in continuous professional development opportunities to help teachers grow in their careers and stay engaged in the field.

  3. Advocate for a better work-life balance through reasonable workloads, class sizes, and adequate planning time for teachers.

  4. Create a supportive and collaborative work environment that values and respects teachers' contributions, ideas, and feedback.

  5. Advocate for policy changes at the local, state, or federal level to prioritize education funding and policies that benefit teachers.

9. What are your feelings on standardized testing? Do you feel standardized testing is an accurate metric for student/educator achievement?

I believe there is an appropriate role for standardized testing in our schools, but I have some concerns about an over-reliance on standardized testing as the sole metric for student and educator achievement. While standardized tests can provide useful data, they should not be the exclusive measure of a student’s abilities or a teacher’s effectiveness.

I believe in a more holistic approach to evaluating students and educators, taking into account various factors such as classroom performance, teacher evaluations, and socio-economic backgrounds to ensure fair and accurate assessment of achievement. Necessary reforms can potentially reduce the emphasis on high-stakes testing and promote a well-rounded educational experience.

10. What are your feelings on school vouchers and charter schools? Please explain.

I believe that school vouchers and charter schools should not be a priority regarding state funding until all public schools have been funded. The most appropriate and effective way to make sure education is equitable is by establishing the equitable and generous funding of public schools.

11. Will you support nondiscrimination policies that protect individuals regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression? If so, how?

Yes, every student, regardless of their background, deserves a quality public education that provides them with a foundation for success in their lives, wherever their path leads.

12. Persistent gaps exist between white students and students of color when it comes to standardized test scores, graduation rates, and more due to the impacts of structural oppression in Ohio and our public schools. How will you approach solving this issue?

I would encourage the school to adopt culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy and teaching when appropriate. Oftentimes time when students of diverse cultural backgrounds are not experiencing success in schools, it is not for a lack of ability or intelligence. Understanding student perspectives, background, and culture, and using them to enhance the educational process, will increase success and close persistent achievement gaps.

13. If elected, how will you support undocumented students and other immigrant families? Would you support a policy that bans ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) from school property? Please explain.

I believe that it is a right of every child in our community to receive a quality public school education. Policies and initiatives that diminish this effort are not appropriate.

14. Do you support the presence of police officers (also called School Resource Officers) in public schools? If yes, do you feel that any reforms are necessary? Please explain.

Properly trained School Resource Officers can be an effective presence. Once these individuals are selected as School Resource Officers, it is imperative that they receive specialized training and continued education as their careers advance and they spend time in our schools. Similar to other initiatives to improve the safety of our schools and students, it is important that we always explore ways to improve the presence of School Resource Officers in order to balance their professional needs with the well-being and trust of the students.

15. Should teachers be allowed to carry firearms in schools? If yes, under what circumstances?

No, and the current Board has already decided that this is something that the district will not pursue. Teachers have enough concerns in the classroom that the presence of a firearm would not be conducive to an effective and safe learning environment. The security of our schools and classrooms is best left to the professional law enforcement officers in our community.

16. Do you support comprehensive (age appropriate), medically accurate sex education in schools? Please explain.

I do support comprehensive, age-appropriate, and medically accurate sex education in schools. Providing students with this type of education equips them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships. It is important that this type of education is evidence-based and inclusive to ensure the well-being and safety of young people.