Frank Cimino for Ravenna City - Law Director

Frank Cimino is seeking re-election to Ravenna City Law Director. View his responses to our candidate endorsement questionnaire below:

1. Why are you running for office, and what previous experience makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I enjoy the work of Law Director for the City of Ravenna. I have been the Law Director since 1976.

2. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

Represent the City in all matters in which I am requested.

3. What are three policy initiatives you plan to focus on if elected?

  • Promise in responding to questions raised by members of the City's Administration and Council.

  • Represent the Boards of our City.

  • Respond to requests made by the citizens of the City of Ravenna.

4. What can local governments do to encourage young adults to stay in Northeast Ohio?

Hopefully the economic development of the area will create an atmosphere where young people will want to remain.

5. Will you support nondiscrimination policies that protect individuals regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/​or expression? If so, how?

I will strongly support the equal protection of all individuals.

6. Do you support reasonable regulations on firearms in the United States? Please explain in detail.

Yes. The reckless manner in which people die in our country is totally unacceptable. Firearms significantly contribute to such loss of life.

7. What will you do to actively engage young adults in local government?

They are more than welcome to contact me and discuss what I do and how I do it and to walk through a day in my life.

8. What do you consider to be the primary role/​responsibility of the Law Director?

To represent the City in all manners that come before it.

9. What experience do you have in preparing contracts, bonds and other instruments for a City?

I have been an attorney since 1972 and have experienced all types of document preparation.

10. What experience has prepared you to represent the City in legal preceedings? 

I have again been the Law Director for the City of Ravenna since 1976 and prior to that three years in the Portage County Prosecutor's Office.

11. What experience has prepared you to act as prosecuting attorney on behalf of the City in the Municipal Court?

Again, I spent three years in the Portage County Prosecutor's Office and head of the Criminal Division while I was there between 1972 and December of 1975.

12. What have you done, and what will you do, to make the office of Law Director more accessible and transparent to the public? 

My office is always open to the public and I deal with calls that come in on a daily basis.

13. Please describe what you consider the role of Law Director to be in acting as chief legal adviser of all offices, departments, commissions, boards and agencies and of all officers and employees of the City.

To provide sufficient legal background in relation to issues that come before the City and its Boards.